1Building Sustainable Occupational Health and Safety managementStandard ISO Certification 45001:2018September 2023Coordinator K3
Establish an Occupational Safety and Health Advisory CommitteeJuly 2023Coordinator K3
2Zero AccidentsIdentify sources of danger in the workplace
July 2023Coordinator K3
Monitoring and controlling unsafe conditions and actions in the workplaceAgustus 2023Coordinator K3
Providing K3 facilities and infrastructure in the workplaceAugust 2023HRD/GA and Coordinator K3
K3 training and simulation
February 2024HRD dan Coordinator K3
3Improving the health level of workersParticipate in the Government’s BPJS Health and BPJS Employment programs
February 2024HRD dan Coordinator K3
Collaborating with the nearest hospital as a reference for handling work accidents or emergencies in the workplaceAugust 2024HRD and Coordinator K3
4Improving the Company’s K3 performance
Carry out an internal audit of the Occupational Safety Management System at least once a year or if there are conditions that require an audit of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System both internally and externallyMay 2023Deputy Management and K3 Coordinator